Friday, November 23, 2012

One More Time

Thanksgiving has come and gone. Today is "black Friday" and all the crazy people are out there shopping. Not being that particular variety of crazy, I am at home on my computer instead. (Believe me, I am all kinds of crazy -- just not shopper crazy.)

For the purposes of this blog, I am going to focus on my thankfulness as regards our adoption -- so here we go:

I am thankful for my little family.
I am thankful for all the grandparents of my children, who accepted Chrissy as their own without a moment's hesitation.
I am thankful for all the aunts and uncles who were equally supportive.
I am thankful for all the cousins who run around like crazy people and play whenever we get together with them.
I am thankful for great-aunts and uncles who have hosted us in their homes and offered not only support but sometimes very helpful advice, knowing they can get away with this much easier than the grandparents (ha ha).
I am thankful for the fact that our youngest daughter is actually attaching and relaxing and is showing definite signs of truly and fully feeling like a Pizzuto.
I am thankful for supportive friends who have been a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to laugh with when there's just nothing else you can do.
I am thankful for Children's Home Society and the post-adoption support they provide.
I am thankful, most of all, for my God who takes care of all my needs (including emotional ones), sometimes through seemingly miraculous intervention, sometimes using the above stated family members and friends.

How fitting that on Thanksgiving week we had a family powwow... something we only do when there's something decidedly important we need to discuss. And in this family powwow we discussed whether or not we have the desire and the ability to enlarge our family once again through adoption. Being thankful for all the blessings God has given, it only seemed right to share with some more people -- and with everybody voting yes (admittedly with each child placing a different "order" for a sibling), we sent in the paperwork on Wednesday to get the whole messy process started all over again.

I guess it's kind of like being at the amusement park. Sometimes, when the roller coaster ride rolls to a complete stop and there's nobody in line behind you, you just stay on the train and let it pull out of the station one more time.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you and your family, Jodi! What a wonderful way to give thanks -- by welcoming another child into your life. I know the Lord will bring just the right one -- the one He has always chosen to be a Pizzuto.

    Please keep me up on your posts. I love reading them!

    Aunt Nancy
