Friday, January 29, 2010

The Big Day

Today is the big day. Christian comes to visit our family for the entire weekend. She should be here this morning... such excitement that has been in this house. Barak couldn't sleep last night and I found him reading with his head lamp on (yes, he has a work-light that straps to his head). Riana was bouncing off the walls as I put her to bed last night, even though she's just gotten over the flu. Jan was telling me a few times last night how excited he was for the weekend.

I was saying Riana is getting over the flu?? Yes, well -- that's a story. I made phone calls like crazy on Tuesday, trying to find a way for us to meet Christian before the weekend. I was looking at it from a child's point of view and thinking how scary it must be to know for a whole week (light years in child-speak) that you're going to stay for a whole weekend (centuries) with some people you've never seen, never talked to... and I started to worry about her. SO... many phone calls and emails later, we had phone visitation. And one more discussion got us an in-person visit scheduled for... the very next day.

Such excitement was abounding in the Pizzuto house! Woo-hoo! We were all going to pile in the car, go to the DSS office, and meet her... talk to her. Get to know her a little. And then it happened. In the middle of the night, Riana started throwing up and didn't stop -- all night long. One exhausting night, a morning in bed... and Riana was up and in the bathtub, trying to get ready to meet her new sister. She was a trooper. She was determined. She was... sick. She gave up, crying, and said she couldn't go.

Jan graciously insisted on staying home with Riana, and Barak and I went to meet her.

She's wonderful. Funny, talkative, easy to engage... she says everything that comes into her head! How can you not like a child like that? To never have to wonder what's going on inside there... perfect! Barak brought along the Connect 4x4 and within two minutes they were on the floor playing game after game.

Christian expressed disappointment when our visiting time was over. And she came to me and quietly said, "Maybe... if it snows... they'll let me come to your house Thursday instead! That way, I can stay longer."

So it seems my worries about her being afraid were unfounded. But it was still wonderful to have a chance to meet her. And now the day has arrived where the whole family will not only meet her - but live with her for a weekend.

And then... another post.

1 comment:

  1. Just imagine a girl who speaks her mind. I don't know anyone like that! ;-). Pretty cool how God knows what He is doing. Much love to you all, and I am in prayer for all things.

