Thursday, January 21, 2010

Confusion... serious confusion

You know... "wait and see" gets pretty old after a while. When I said we were back to "wait and see," I didn't think it would last this long. But we still do not have word on which family is/was chosen for that little girl. I suppose there were some mitigating circumstances which could be affecting the rapidity of the process. The little girl's social worker was quite pregnant and was rushing around to get things done before she went on maternity leave. It's quite possible that her baby came a few days early... but the long and short of it is, we still do not know.

But our social worker called us yesterday and asked us if we would consider the possibility of a sibling group of three. And... so we're back to square one? I have no idea.

I do have to say, it's very strange to become emotionally connected to a child I've never met -- only to be wrenched this way and that, back and forth... and then introduced to the idea of different children... to become somewhat emotionally connected to them as well. There are limits, people -- we can't take them all. How much heart can get ripped out of a person?

So - the latest news is that we're back to "wait and see" and we're still at "wait and see."

I guess we'll have to wait... and see.

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