I've gotta tell you - adoption is a wonderful, beautiful, challenging adventure. It's funny... you sign up, you go through the classes, they teach you all kinds of things that are essential, and then there you are. You have a child placed in your home, your home changes and flexes and bends (almost to the breaking point at times) and you realize that you didn't really listen well enough in the classes.
We have wonderful support from Children's Home Society (an organization which I would highly recommend to anyone interested in adoption -- post adoption services have been so helpful).
I confess that I thought I had this parenting gig down. Nothing like having children teach you that you have a lot left to learn! Our experience is one I wouldn't trade away for anything. I'll take it all, the good and the bad, and learn from it... and hopefully become a better mother and person in the process.
The kids are quickly getting older. Barak is starting to drive, Riana goes to high school next year, and Chrissy only has one year left at the elementary school. The years are passing by quickly (and with so much packed into them) that it's sometimes hard to remember to sit back and enjoy them. Every once in a while, it's necessary to just pull back and say -- HEY -- remember what this is all about?? Family?!? C'mon, let's have some FUN.
This summer, though... now THAT'S going to be some good times. We have multiple family trips scheduled, we are going to be seeing lots of family all over the country, and my Aunt and Uncle in Texas are going to meet Chrissy for the first time. We have weddings, graduations, parties, and more. It's going to be busy -- but delightfully so.
Life is still well here. Challenging? You bet. Chaotic? Oh, yes... sometimes ridiculously so. But beautiful? Definitely. It really is -- no matter how cliched this may sound -- a wonderful life.
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