I've had a few requests asking for an update on our next adoption... there haven't been any posts because there hasn't been anything to report. We have put in the paperwork, we're waiting on our home study, and then even after that there will be plenty of waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
I will become very good at waiting.
Home At Long Last
Monday, January 7, 2013
Friday, November 23, 2012
One More Time
Thanksgiving has come and gone. Today is "black Friday" and all the crazy people are out there shopping. Not being that particular variety of crazy, I am at home on my computer instead. (Believe me, I am all kinds of crazy -- just not shopper crazy.)
For the purposes of this blog, I am going to focus on my thankfulness as regards our adoption -- so here we go:
I am thankful for my little family.
I am thankful for all the grandparents of my children, who accepted Chrissy as their own without a moment's hesitation.
I am thankful for all the aunts and uncles who were equally supportive.
I am thankful for all the cousins who run around like crazy people and play whenever we get together with them.
I am thankful for great-aunts and uncles who have hosted us in their homes and offered not only support but sometimes very helpful advice, knowing they can get away with this much easier than the grandparents (ha ha).
I am thankful for the fact that our youngest daughter is actually attaching and relaxing and is showing definite signs of truly and fully feeling like a Pizzuto.
I am thankful for supportive friends who have been a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to laugh with when there's just nothing else you can do.
I am thankful for Children's Home Society and the post-adoption support they provide.
I am thankful, most of all, for my God who takes care of all my needs (including emotional ones), sometimes through seemingly miraculous intervention, sometimes using the above stated family members and friends.
How fitting that on Thanksgiving week we had a family powwow... something we only do when there's something decidedly important we need to discuss. And in this family powwow we discussed whether or not we have the desire and the ability to enlarge our family once again through adoption. Being thankful for all the blessings God has given, it only seemed right to share with some more people -- and with everybody voting yes (admittedly with each child placing a different "order" for a sibling), we sent in the paperwork on Wednesday to get the whole messy process started all over again.
I guess it's kind of like being at the amusement park. Sometimes, when the roller coaster ride rolls to a complete stop and there's nobody in line behind you, you just stay on the train and let it pull out of the station one more time.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I wish, I wish, I wish....
Sometimes I don't think enough. Sometimes I think too much. Why can't I get it just right? But here I sit, thinking again...
Our adoption journey has been a wild ride. There have been some seriously good times. There have been some seriously bad times. Regardless of the difficulties, I say I would do this all over again in a heartbeat. Painful, sure... but definitely worth it all.
And then I think. I think some more. And I think... if it's worth it, and if I'd do it all over again, why aren't I? We have space. I have a little more to give... So it's a consideration. Right?
Then... I think some more. And it's not like I'm just sitting around, pondering. There are things that are bringing the subject up in my life again. Perhaps because it's around adoption awareness month, but through the month of October there were so many things I listen to on the radio that addressed the issue. And it tugs at my heart.
Did you know that every year about 30,000 children "age out" of the foster care system? When I think about what that means, I hurt. That means that each and every day, about 82 kids are handed their bag of things and told that they are on their own. Imagine being 18 years old, not having had a constant in your life helping you to grow and learn how to deal with life and people, and suddenly being completely responsible for everything in your life - with no support system. Imagine having nobody at your high school graduation. Your wedding. Nobody to share in the joy of having a family of your own.
Granted, some of these kids will pull themselves up, get a job, get going in their lives, find somebody special, and be included in that family. I'm sure that happens occasionally. But I'm just as certain that it's not the norm.
Nearly half of the children in foster care are over the age of 10. Oftentimes, children who are older are split from their younger siblings because older children are considered to be "less adoptable." People are, understandably, afraid of taking on the responsibility of a teenager who already has some bad habits, some serious behavioral issues, and possibly some mental health issues.
But these young people are - often even if they're placed in a foster family - alone. There are some great foster families out there, don't get me wrong. But there are some not-so-great fosters out there, too. And as children get bounced through the system, they get more difficult to place in a healthy environment. More bouncing usually equals greater injury to the bouncee which equals more challenging behaviors which equals "difficult to place." Imagine becoming free for adoption and then being told that you'll likely not be "chosen" by a family because of your age... and imagine being told that your younger siblings will have an easier time being adopted without you.
I cannot be the only person who thinks the plight of these children is worth our time and energy and effort. How in heaven's name can we help these children realize their potential? Because the one thing I know for sure is that I cannot take them all.
Our adoption journey has been a wild ride. There have been some seriously good times. There have been some seriously bad times. Regardless of the difficulties, I say I would do this all over again in a heartbeat. Painful, sure... but definitely worth it all.
And then I think. I think some more. And I think... if it's worth it, and if I'd do it all over again, why aren't I? We have space. I have a little more to give... So it's a consideration. Right?
Then... I think some more. And it's not like I'm just sitting around, pondering. There are things that are bringing the subject up in my life again. Perhaps because it's around adoption awareness month, but through the month of October there were so many things I listen to on the radio that addressed the issue. And it tugs at my heart.
Did you know that every year about 30,000 children "age out" of the foster care system? When I think about what that means, I hurt. That means that each and every day, about 82 kids are handed their bag of things and told that they are on their own. Imagine being 18 years old, not having had a constant in your life helping you to grow and learn how to deal with life and people, and suddenly being completely responsible for everything in your life - with no support system. Imagine having nobody at your high school graduation. Your wedding. Nobody to share in the joy of having a family of your own.
Granted, some of these kids will pull themselves up, get a job, get going in their lives, find somebody special, and be included in that family. I'm sure that happens occasionally. But I'm just as certain that it's not the norm.
Nearly half of the children in foster care are over the age of 10. Oftentimes, children who are older are split from their younger siblings because older children are considered to be "less adoptable." People are, understandably, afraid of taking on the responsibility of a teenager who already has some bad habits, some serious behavioral issues, and possibly some mental health issues.
But these young people are - often even if they're placed in a foster family - alone. There are some great foster families out there, don't get me wrong. But there are some not-so-great fosters out there, too. And as children get bounced through the system, they get more difficult to place in a healthy environment. More bouncing usually equals greater injury to the bouncee which equals more challenging behaviors which equals "difficult to place." Imagine becoming free for adoption and then being told that you'll likely not be "chosen" by a family because of your age... and imagine being told that your younger siblings will have an easier time being adopted without you.
I cannot be the only person who thinks the plight of these children is worth our time and energy and effort. How in heaven's name can we help these children realize their potential? Because the one thing I know for sure is that I cannot take them all.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Wonderful Life

I've gotta tell you - adoption is a wonderful, beautiful, challenging adventure. It's funny... you sign up, you go through the classes, they teach you all kinds of things that are essential, and then there you are. You have a child placed in your home, your home changes and flexes and bends (almost to the breaking point at times) and you realize that you didn't really listen well enough in the classes.
We have wonderful support from Children's Home Society (an organization which I would highly recommend to anyone interested in adoption -- post adoption services have been so helpful).
I confess that I thought I had this parenting gig down. Nothing like having children teach you that you have a lot left to learn! Our experience is one I wouldn't trade away for anything. I'll take it all, the good and the bad, and learn from it... and hopefully become a better mother and person in the process.
The kids are quickly getting older. Barak is starting to drive, Riana goes to high school next year, and Chrissy only has one year left at the elementary school. The years are passing by quickly (and with so much packed into them) that it's sometimes hard to remember to sit back and enjoy them. Every once in a while, it's necessary to just pull back and say -- HEY -- remember what this is all about?? Family?!? C'mon, let's have some FUN.
This summer, though... now THAT'S going to be some good times. We have multiple family trips scheduled, we are going to be seeing lots of family all over the country, and my Aunt and Uncle in Texas are going to meet Chrissy for the first time. We have weddings, graduations, parties, and more. It's going to be busy -- but delightfully so.
Life is still well here. Challenging? You bet. Chaotic? Oh, yes... sometimes ridiculously so. But beautiful? Definitely. It really is -- no matter how cliched this may sound -- a wonderful life.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
It's been a crazy month! Vacation (which is supposed to be relaxing, but rarely is), catching up once home (which is never relaxing, no matter how it's done), getting ready for back to school (which is crazy even if you don't do your shopping on tax-free weekend, which I did), and various other activities made for a month of fun insanity.
We got back from vacation to the news that the paperwork had not all been completed for our adoption, much to our dismay. This news sent Chrissy into a tailspin of emotional turmoil - evident at the slightest provocation (and sometimes evident at no provocation whatsoever). New family dynamics, adoption, security (or lack thereof), the system, a general feeling of powerlessness... all these things add up to "extreme discomfort."
BUT... yes, a big but. But she's ours now. Word came today - the documents were official as of yesterday. August 9th is our big day to celebrate, the day that our family legally became a family of five. I got the phone call from our attorney while driving home with Chrissy in the seat next to me. After I got off the phone, I told her the news... and normally it's not a happy thing when your child screams in the car, but I made an exception in this particular case. It was a happy scream... on a happy occasion... hard to be annoyed. :) Then, we pulled into the driveway and I must say - I have never - no NEVER - seen a child run so fast in my life. She couldn't wait to get inside and tell Barak and Riana.
So here we are. The Pizzuto clan. All five of us.
Look out, world.
Three Goobers
Chrissy and Barak on the carousel at LARK Toys
A family photo op at Gooseberry Falls, MN
Friday, July 2, 2010
Time Flies
How did it get to be July already?? Well, here we are -- summer is moving fast!
We're all enjoying our time off school. Lots of lake time, playing in the rain, library visits, movie watching, sleep overs, sculpey, rip-sticking, bike riding, out-to-eating, grilling, boating, tree climbing, and fort making. Whew! I think I might need a nap...
Another bee-sting experience provided extra bonding time for the whole family last weekend. When Jan gets stung, our world stops and everybody shows him how much we need him around. Christian was able to join in on the action this time, making it a full-family bonding experience. While Jan was laid up, he enjoyed the extra attention and service so much he commented that he might have to get stung more often. I almost hit him.
All the kids are horseback riding still, and loving every minute of it. They are all going to horse camp in August.
We're looking forward to our trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin this month. It's coming fast and I have lots to do in order to be ready to go! But it's high time to introduce Christian to her extended family. Cousins, look out... here she comes!
Today is a relatively big day for us. Jan and I are signing our "Petition for Adoption of a Minor Child." This is the official document that will be filed with the court. It seems like such a silly thing to get excited about... signing a paper. But it's one step closer to things being official and I'm completely stoked. Truth be told, our methods are slightly anticlimactic... we're corresponding with our lawyer via mail because she's a good distance away. So we get the documents in the mail, take them to the bank and sign them before a notary public. Getting our daughter from a bank seems just weird, but hey. Whatever works.
I've learned a few things...
1. Patience IS a virtue. I'm still trying to achieve it.
2. Growing one's family via adoption has it's unique challenges.
3. I did not fully understand what I was getting into.
4. I would not take our decision to adopt back for all the tea in China.
5. It does not take very long to feel like a child is mine.
6. I have the three most wonderful kids on the planet. (Don't even bother to argue with me on this one. I'm like a brick wall here.)
To our northern family and friends, we can't wait to see all of you!
Sisters on the tube!
Playin' in the rain...
Just back from evening fishing.
The three best kids in the world.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Lots of good times at the Pizzuto house... and out of the Pizzuto house! Barak had a birthday, so we went to Carowinds (at his request). It was Christian's first time at an amusement park, and she had a blast. The little stinker wore some high shoes to make herself taller so she would be able to go on all the rides. And they let her!! There were a few rides that gave her pause, but she tackled them anyway.
We've road-tripped to Savannah, GA. We spent time at the beach on Tybee Island (beautiful beaches there), toured a little bit of historic Savannah, went out to eat (of course), and relaxed at the hotel pool. The seafood was awesome... (flounder, anyone??? MMMMMM... or how about some crab?), and although we crammed all five of us into one hotel room, we managed to survive. Isn't that the true test of family, after all?
Of course, the car ride is made more pleasant by the DVD player in the van. Three kids, engrossed in a movie, riding for two hours without arguing or playing super loud in a small, confined space... How great is that?!?
Lest anyone think that our children are in any way lacking personality, I offer up the next picture as evidence to the contrary. All I wanted was a picture of the three of them... a NICE picture. But NO!! They have to be all... childish. Having fun. Being crazy. As if a dose of childish insanity is what makes a Pizzuto a Pizzuto... or - wait. I guess that kind of IS what makes a Pizzuto a Pizzuto. I stand corrected...
But here we are - three months into our journey as a family of five. And we're not only well suited to each other... it goes beyond that. We're tightly woven, connected, and our family is further strengthened by the addition of one more. Add that to the fact that Jan is absolutely giddy about getting me to pose more frequently for family pictures and we have a winning combination!
*Sigh...* So, now... I have two months to wait before our next vacation. How will I have fun between now and then?? How about filing in court for adoption? Sounds like a PLAN!! :)
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